Mar 18, 2010

“Eres Mas” (You Are More)

You are more than what you think you put yourself out there to be. On your productive days, you walk with your head held up high and realize how you can, indeed, make mountains move. You are amazing, it’s true, for you have the ability to look past you and see what you have accomplished, despite the hardships, obstacles and extraordinary experiences. You are a scholar, an activist, a voice; the change; the epitome of a daughter; the
backbone to many; a sister; a leader; and most of all, you’re your ultimate driving force. You are the outsider looking in and it is not easily done, to walk in your shoes. So, in those moments, when you feel at your lowest, it’s hard to fade the blurriness surrounding you, everyone looks and admires you. But at these moments, tell yourself it’s okay. It is okay. It is alright for you to not feel the empowerment you have worked so hard for. And it is perfectly fine to cry. It may take a few minutes, hours, days, weeks; a few months; time after time; hit you at several points during the day, but it is okay. You deserve this break, this time to reflect. You have it within yourself, just like every other time, to pick yourself up again. Yes, you didn’t get that job you wanted; you didn’t get that call you knew not to wait for; you didn’t get those five minutes to yourself that day; you didn’t make the best decision; you felt like you let that person down; you let yourself down; you didn’t get the least bit of appreciation or recognition; but it is okay. You’ll get a
better job; someone else will have the courage to call you and you’ll know they sincerely love you; you will have that day to pamper yourself; you’ll make the best decision and maybe even the best one ever; you put a smile on that person’s face, and a stranger complimented you on how great a person you are.
So it is okay, because tu eres mas (you are more).
By Veronica Saravia

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